Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pictures from Seattle

Here's a link to our Flickr photo set of our farewell party.

Strange to see the bar we frequented while in Seattle from here.

Clear across the country. Time, space, and distance change our perspectives quite a ton.

I am enjoying the way Raleigh has changed.

I will soon visit my alma mater, N.C. State University. Maybe pop in on some professors like I did in the old days.

Spontaneous lunches and long hours of conversation ensue. I like that. It feels like I've come home.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The compulsion to be offline

I have mixed feelings about being online.

For one, it took me a really long time to sign up for Facebook.

I set up three Twitter accounts to get a sense of how it was all going to go. I like blogging, but I also like paper mail that isn't junk.

Online, I get overwhelmed with 26 spams a day. Minimum.

That's just taking up too much headspace. Too. Much. Information.

I heart blogging

But then, I love the way that blogging opened up a whole new platform for Design Kompany.

Blogging meant we could talk to people who wanted to hear us. That was way different from the way we did it in 1994.

But at the end of the day, it's still the relationship that is the more important part. How you meet is irrelevant. It's how you maintain the conversation.

So, I have this theory.

Offline 2010

If I go offline, maybe I'll do more live conversing. Not these one-way blogs, and the strange mechanism which is Facebook would become an interesting experiment I tried once, like whiskey and coke, and decided to opt out of.

Going offline might mean I don't keep up with people as much. But then, it might also mean I'll get back to the pre-internet lifestyle. Calling people up when I want to see them. Making plans spontaneously voice-to-voice.

Voice to voice.

I miss that.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Original content

There is just so much to say, and not enough filtering to say it.

I'm embarrased, really, to admit this is my third blog. I still have one of them, over at Design Kompany. But it's nice to freshen up the box sometimes and see what else emerges.

Sadly, the other blog is defunct.

Not that I wanted it to be. Just got full. I mean, there were technical errors when I tried to post new content, so it just kind of, well, ended.


Trying things

I just got back from Seattle to my home turf of Raleigh-Durham.

In Seattle, I met a lot of people running tech startups. Some had stars in their eyes. Others were more realistic. I got to be part of the whole scene for five years. Making brand identities for some, like this and this. So cool to be a part of that.

But there are a lot of y'all who don't know anything about Design Kompany. Or, as we're called out there, "DK."

So I thought I'd set this blog up as a place to offer some introduction.

A little background on why and how DK became DK.

More to come. Thanks for checking in.


Today is the first day of the rest of my life.